收藏: Jingdezhen's Misty Charms of Wood-fired

Poet Yu Xiuhua envisions love in her eyes: "I have always carried the soil, and meeting you gave it the appearance of porcelain." In the blood of an artist, half is a poet and half is a craftsman. In the spiritual world of Yu, we see the beauty. Ceramic Master Gao Hualong is from Jingdezhen,China. Over the past 20 years of Gao Hualong's engagement with clay, he has studied under the national-level inheritor Hu Xinmin and the inheritor of Shandong Province's black pottery, Qu Bing. Through continuous experimentation with traditional wood firing, he has developed a unique firing method. Gao Hualong has also traveled across half of China in search of clay, experimented with nearly a hundred types of clay, and conducted thousands of blends. Finally, he has formulated a unique bluish-white clay. By using the traditional method of firing with pine wood, the resulting porcelain not only achieves a balance between lustrousness and ash deposition but also enhances the taste of the tea. In terms of vessel shapes, Gao Hualong draws inspiration from ancient black pottery cups of the Neolithic period, Xishi teapots from the Ming and Qing dynasties, horseshoe-lid bowls, and others. The patterns are influenced by traditional Chinese motifs such as auspicious cloud patterns, water wave patterns, the swastika pattern, and three-island patterns. He strives to express the art of wood-fired ceramics and accomplish a transmission of beauty that transcends time and space.


诗人余秀华眼里的爱情是有憧憬的:我一直怀揣泥土, 遇见你有了瓷的模样。艺术家的血液里,一半是诗人一半是匠人,我们在余老师的精神世界看到了美的模样。景德镇工艺美术师高化龙与泥土接触的20多年里先后师从国家级非遗传承人胡新民,山东省黑陶非遗传承人曲冰,在与古法柴烧的师傅不断试练中形成独特的烧成方式, 他亦曾穿越大半个中国去寻泥,试过近百种泥料,进行过数千次调配,终于调配出独有的青石泥, 法松木柴烧的方法,使得烧制后的瓷器不仅平衡了油润度与落灰之间的关系,而且使茶汤的口感更加香醇。在器型上,高化龙会借鉴器型如新石器时的黑陶把杯,明清时期的西施壶,马蹄盖碗等,纹饰参考中 国传统纹样,祥云纹,水波纹、回字纹、三岛纹等, 他力图以柴烧陶瓷为表现形式,完成一个时空穿越式的美的传递。