Collection: Ancient Style Immersion Experience

❤️Elegance Through Time: A Hanfu Extravaganza in Vancouver!
🌈Step into the Past with Style, Grace, and an Array of Traditional Chinese Arts!
🌸 Join us in Vancouver for an exclusive journey back to ancient China, Experience 'Elegance Through Time' in Vancouver: a unique Hanfu extravaganza. Dive into ancient China with luxury Hanfu, interactive murder mysteries, and artistic workshops in preserved flower art and calligraphy. Play 'Feihua Ling', savor traditional tea, and create bespoke souvenirs. Relish historic Chinese cuisine and enjoy the playful Touhu game. A journey of style, grace, and rich Chinese cultural arts.

❤️ 温哥华沉浸式古风之旅,身着华丽高端汉服,体验历史与优雅交织的【剧本杀】,在【古筝】的悠扬之音中寻找往昔的回声。

🌸 探索艺术之美,参与我们的【永生花插花】、【书法】、和【团扇制作】工作坊,激发您的创造力。体验【飞花令】的诗意,品味传统【品茶】的禅趣,感受中华文化的庄重与雅致。

🍵 制作独特的纪念品,珍藏这段难忘的历史旅程。尽享【茶果子】的甜蜜,参与【投壶游戏】,体验传统娱乐的乐趣。